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14Days Tour

route map of 14days tour

Proposed itinerary for 14days tour

Visit Northeast of Japan to West of Japan, Northeast of Japan is remote area of Japan, See and feel the harmony of nature and culture.You will ride about 3000km during the tour.

Day 0 You will be met by our staff after you check in to pre-arranged hotel in Tokyo.
Day 1 RC166 SIX We will pick you up at hotel, and You will be transfered to our garage.After you meet motorcycle,Let's go!We will head to our first destination "Twin Ring Motegi" where World Grand Prix roadrace and trials are held.You can visit "HONDA Collection Hall" and see history of motorcycles and cars.On the way to "Twin Ring Motegi" You can enjoy beautiful Japanese nature.
Day 2 Nikko We will visit World Heritage "Nikko".There is a old temple built on 1617 called "Toshogu".And also, there is a village that is reproducing Tokyo of 400 years ago. You maybe able to meet "Ninja" and "Samurai" there.
Day 3 chusonji We will ride on a highway toward north to visit Chusonji temples.Chusonji was built in 850 to pray for peace, There is a temple that colored golden. You will be imagine a age of civil wars in old Japan.
Day 4 coastline of Japan We will ride north along beautiful winding coastline roads to Morioka. Enjoy thrilling ride.Very nice Japanese dishes waiting for us at our accomodation "Ryokan" for tonight.
Day 5 Japanese old armours Ride north to Kakunodate that our most north point to visit our trip.You can find very old houses that "Samurai" lived 400 years ago.You also can visit museum that has old "Katana" and old armours"Yoroi".
Day 6 Japanese old castle We ride along Japan Sea toward south west. You can see very small ports for fishing along our way.We can have very nice seafoods and "Sushi".Our destination for today is "Kanazawa".
Day 7 Japanese old castle The rest day. You can visit some interesing places in Old city "Kanazawa" such as castle or take a walk in the old city.Or just relax at accomodation.Enjoy as you like.
Day 8 Country road of Japan Ride through very beautiful mountain road, This road takes us to famous old capital "Kyoto".Kyoto is build in 794. And had been a capitol of Japan for 1200years. There still has a lot of old temples and has orignal culture.17 World heritages are there.
Day 9 Kinkakuji Temple Rest day again. Because you have a lot of things to do, and lot of places to visit in Kyoto.Maybe Underground and coaches are more confortable than motorcycle to look around Kyoto. Ask support guide Noritaka where to visit. He will know a lot of place to visit because he was born and grown very near to Kyoto.Also he has been lived there when he was university student.
Day 10 Daigoji Temple Ride towrard south, We will visit another very old capital "Nara".In fact, Nara is older than Kyoto, It was build in 710. Nara was capital of Japan, and capital of Japanese buddhism. There still have may old temples that has established 6th century.Feel Japanese buddhism and very old culture.
Day 11 Big buddah Rest day once again. Take a walk in Nara and find differences between Kyoto and Nara. Your guide will suggest some interesting places to visit.
Day 12 eel bowl Leave old city Nara and ride east to Hamamatsu.Hamamatsu has been "City of Japanese motorcycle manufacture". And now YAMAHA and SUZUKI is there. Also, Hamamatsu is famous for it's raising eel. You can try to have some dishes of eel there.
Day 13 Mountain roads Ride toward north east and we will ride into central mountains of Japan called "Japan Alps".You can enjoy nice winding roads and we will arrive small cottage.From the cottage, You can see very beautiful mountain scenery. Enjoy Japnese nature.
Day 14 Mount Fuji Our last day.We should pray for nice weather.We will see famous "Mount Fuji" on our way to Tokyo and we will ride nice winding roads around this 3776m high Mountain.Then we will back to Tokyo.After we arrive to Tokyo. farewell party.
Photograph of JAPAN Tours